Curious Purpose ~ Counseling Practice

Thoughtful Therapy for Creative Hearts

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
— Anais Nin

You want more in your life.

You’ve finally found a job that your parents are proud of and you feel competent in. You’ve been with your boyfriend for awhile and he’s become someone you can really rely on. As the eldest daughter, you know responsibility and dependability well. You got the planner and adorable washi tapes and you are ready to take on your life.


You think about turning 30 soon and the thought overwhelms you. 

You think, “I am not anywhere near where I thought I would be in my 30s.” 

You wish for easier days when you knew exactly what to do for yourself. Get good grades, take care of family, hang out with your friends, etc.

If you had to be honest, your life feels like the colors have been muted even though nothing bad has exactly happened to you. Your well-intentioned planner and washi tapes sit collecting dust and you feel guilt that it hasn’t worked for you. Last week, you think you had your first panic attack at work because you felt like you really screwed up. The thought that you need to find a therapist crosses your mind but you quickly dismiss it. Your boyfriend has been your biggest supporter yet he has been the first person to call you out and point out your anxiety behind-the-scenes more often than you would like. 

It’s so easy for him, he doesn’t experience emotions the same way I do.

You remember the days when being a people pleaser was your default mode. Now when you go to your Asian American immigrant parents for support, you begin to wonder if it is as easy as just doing what they tell you to do … or if there is an alternative way? You want to confide in your younger siblings but you don't want them to see you struggling when you are supposed to have it all together for your family. You can vent to your friends but you have had one too many sour experiences in the past of trusting a friend with vulnerable information, that you would rather go it on your own than deal with that drama again.

You realize you feel really lonely despite these relationships in your life. 

Resigned, you think, "I'm just lazy". 

So you look to podcasts, books, IG inspirational posts to motivate yourself to just get over your anxiety! However, you find that it just became more amo for you to be critical of yourself. 

“Why can’t I just follow the advice I get?” 

Great, now you have anxiety about having anxiety. 

Alright, when in doubt, creativity has been your comfort. You delight in selecting the best sticker for your Hydroflask, finding what vintage goods fit perfectly for your apartment, and you crafted decor for your friend’s wedding with ease, but you wonder if the ability to make those choices even matters when

You don’t really know what you want out of life?

Click Here to continue to “The Real Reason you Haven’t Found a Therapist”


So what do I need to do to work with you?

Step 1:

Book a consultation call here 

Step 2:

After you make a consultation call appointment on the link in Step 1, it will prompt you to briefly type out your therapy needs. Share what you are seeking therapy for.

Step 3: 

I will call you at the phone number you provided during the time you booked. We can discuss any questions you have for me and what you are looking for in therapy and in a therapist.